トップページ > 作家と作品 >Adrian James Goodhand


Adrian James Goodhand
  • Adrian James Goodhand
  • エイドリアン グッドハンド
  • Adrian uses traditional photographic techniques with film to create atmospheric, dream-like images. The concept of "Dulcinea" is a constant theme and serves as the main impetus for the work. Adrian would like his work to be seen as a "Canticle" . A Canticle is a type of hymn. (usually in the poetic passage) and as such is written for the purpose of praise or adoration. Adrian's canticles are meant to be sung praises to temporary moments of beauty that are fleeting and elusive. Typically, a canticle is addressed to "God" and serves to express ones attitude to "God " In Adrian's images, the canticle is addressed to an aspect of  "Dulcinea". Though, she may not exist to hear it. Or perhaps she only exists to hear it. Such is the nature of anyone's Dulcinea.

    her name is Dulcinea. her kingdom, toboso, which is in La Mancha, her condition must be that of princess at the very least least, for she is my queen and lady, and her beaty is supematural, for in it one finds the reality of all the impossible".

Born in Alburquerque, New Mexico
"Permutations" Group Art show, UMIE Gallery Takamatsu
"Faraway,So Close" Group Art show, Ruby Cafe Gallery Takamatsu
"Debacle Magazine" 1st issue. Los Angeles USA.

